Reset, Restart, Go!

resetwarningA complete life reset in 9 days. The actual program is individual and will vary from person to person, There will be no contact with the outside world for the first 6 days. Only available in Brazil at selected times.

Why would you want to do that?


Vacation Versus Reset!Restart,Go! – Do you want a Soft Reset or a Hard Reset?

Let me do an awkward comparison: for the past weeks I had been tweaking my cellular with Windows 10-Beta loaded. I was getting rid of old data, moving apps around, resetting again and again, until the memory was full once more and Whatsapp stopped working completely. Then, yesterday, I came across a website saying: YES, you should do hard reset on your Windows 10! Finally, I decided to go through the ordeal. It was much easier and faster than I expected. Everything is reloaded again, memory usage dropped by 50 (fifty!) percent. It’s like having a brand-new phone.

This maybe sort of an inappropriate comparison. But it reflects the reality of life: sometimes it is not sufficient anymore to cope with a full agenda, overloaded brain, a chest full of suppressed emotions, and a constant frustration. Vacations may give a short relief. But after a day back in the mill, everything is the same as before. A sabbatical is a drastic solution and not always viable for the future.

Enter Reset!Restart,Go! into the picture. In 9 days, you can more than just recycle, you can reset your entire system. And, with Epigenetic Tuning&Reprogramming incorporated, you can get MORE than your factory settings back, so to speak, you’ll get a lot of major bug fixes and a lot of apps and upgrades for free.

This 9-day-program can include revolutionary apps like MicroMotion, 4-Warriors, and the ‘Flow State’ training, all three exceeding ordinary human abilities and are currently only taught in person by Max Sandor in Brazil.




Corso Online: Ifá nella Composizione Musicale

Ifá nella Arte della Composizione Musicale

Corso Online di Max Sandor


  • 1. Introduzione degli dozenti
  • 2. Ifá come lo specchio del mondo
  • 3. Estetica dal Oltre (Orun) per il Mundo aqui (Aiye)
  • 4. Storie archetipiche (Patakì) nelle canzoni attuali
  • 5. Dal Patakì al libretto
  • 6. Archetipi (Orishà) sul palco della musica
  • 7. Energie primordiali: Odù e Orishà negli strumenti musicali
  • 8.1 Odù nel ritmo
    8.2 Odù nella melodia
    8.3 Odù nelle armonie
  • 9.1 Orishà nel ritmo
    9.2 Orishà nella melodia
    9.3 Orishà nelle armonie
  • 10. Profile della canzone: dal Monomito (Campbell) al messagio universale (Ifá) ed al politico (Adorno)
  • 11. Il grande Finale: il morale della favola
  • 12. Finale finale: resumo o reinizio

Quest’corso viene insieme con un libro eletronico ed estratti (mp3) dagli canzoni analizzati durante il corso:  Lucio Dalla “Caruso”, Brecht/Weill “Mackie Messer”, Chico Buarque “Cálice”, Jovanotti “Una storia d’amore’, George Brassens “La marine” ed altri.



Sound Consciousness

Sound & Consciousness

by Maximilian J. Sandor

Overview (expanded Table of Contents)

Prelude – “Cutting Adorno’s birthday cake”

A strange twist of fate made me, as a timid 7-year-old, becoming elected, or better: singled out, to cut the old man’s birthday cake on the day after his birthday, which was the eve of mine – an event which he himself ridiculized as “Kinderkram” – silly stuff that children do.  The moment the knife in my hand approached the cake, the entire room seemed to engulf in a deafening silence.  Then, when I cut, the knife’s blade, gliding over the porcelain plate below the cake, made the most awkward noise I ever heard until then. A scratchy shrill screeching sound, impossible to define, let alone replicate. Unexpectedly, the silence continued. Seconds, that seemed to be hours, passed by. I was traumatized. Somebody commenced clapping hands and, embarrassed, stopped again. Applause was insult to Adorno’s ears. And then, Adorno laughed, or perhaps just smiled, a significant event in either case, and the birthday crowd relaxed and eased.  “Quite unique” he said and was shaking my hand.

What followed were hours of talks, most of which I, barely alphabetized, did not understand to the least extent. About aesthetics, about music and philosophy, and why ‘music is life’. The latter stuck in my ear, it followed me in my life. It made me spend time and money on making ‘music’ on all kinds of instruments while rejecting sillily to learn or play compositions of others other than fragments of melodies which could be woven into a free flow of meditative tonal events.

What elates us hearing a certain piece of music and what bores us while listening to some other? What is the origin of the phenomenal appearance of ‘music’ and why is it found exclusively in the human domain?

Questions I was chasing for a lifetime. While I have not found a conclusive answer yet myself, and only fragments of possible answers from others, I collected clues, hints to potential realities behind our perceptions, some of which I will point to in the following.

Continue reading “Sound Consciousness”

Ifá-21 Online Seminars

These online seminars have been taking place since 2011. There are different groups for English, Portuguese, Italian, and German speaking participants.

This seminar is interactive, has 8 modules of about 1 and a half an hour each, and is accompanied by an online course book that contains illustrations and diagrams.

The most recent such seminar was in May 2016, held by Oscar L. Marzorati in the Italian language with guest appearance of Max Sandor.

In the moment, no seminar has been scheduled. If you are interested in a future seminar, please follow the social media in order to be notified.

Relative Pitch in Emotions and Spiritual Attitudes

Observation demonstrates that the ‘spiritual attitude’ of a person in respect to an upcoming event will modify the outcome of the event.

Such ‘attitudes’ override any mental considerations and any forced emotional attitudes such as ‘postulating’ or ‘desiring’.

The modification of spiritual attitudes has been close to impossible in the past for various reasons: firstly, the inability of an observer to observe himself, and therefore ‘feeling himself’, too; secondly, the power of an unreferenced symbol or perception as a ‘near-absolute’ which excludes any other options.

Again, in theory the solution is amazingly simple: if we interpret the attitude as a deviation to a ‘normal’ level of affairs, it suffices to find exactly the attitude of what would be normal to restore freedom from the fixed attitude.

Fortunately, there is correlation to our musical perceptions: if we interpret our ‘stressed’ attitude being in a relative pitch relation to a base frequency, we can immediately access the ‘normal’ attitude exactly the same way as finding the base tone in musical tones.

Experience with the method of applying this concordance yields an amazing result: not only will the fixed attitude be overcome as such, but it also opens up all other possible attitudes. Just as it is the case with music – once the base tone to a given note is known, all other relative pitch notes can be produced.

This method has been found to be of immense value for all three major sections of the Human Self: Higher Self spiritual attitudes) – Emotions (Middle Self) – and Lower Self (soul levels – subconsciousness).

It can be used not only for removal of unwanted emotional conditions or attitudes but also to instill desired qualities for motivation, endurance, and artistic purposes. Notably, it can be used as a door to the much-wanted Flow-State.

The phenomenon of the ‘relative pitch’ is of a fractal character. It can be found in manifestations of all magnitudes and varieties. Yet, with few exceptions, it eluded man’s vision of nature.

With the comprehension of the ‘relative pitch’ of emotions and attitudes being an inner perception and subjective evaluation, this method has been taught so far only in individual Coaching. It has been found that it is not necessary to have already the ability called ‘perfect relative pitch’ in order to apply this method successfully – the process of self-discovery is the same. This method also does not depend on linguistic or musical abilities. It has already been used, for example, as an auxiliary tool for the successful treatment of autism in small children with very limited vocabulary.

In summary, it is highly recommended for all ages and walks of life even for those who do not consider themselves having problems with unwanted emotions or lack of motivation!


  • — for workshops and seminars, please monitor Max Sandor’s activities on this website or in Twitter. For individual consultations, write him directly at —





1 Polar Dynamics 1 – Maximilian J. Sandor, Edward J. Dawson
2 Your Personal Archetype – Sandor, Dawson, Miranda
3 Between Heavens and Earth –  Maximilian J. Sandor
4 Oltre le Nubi –  Maximilian J. Sandor (in italian only)
5 Letters from Rome –  Maximilian J. Sandor
6 Contos Verdadeiros de mundos estranheiros – Sandor, de Almeida (in portuguese only)
7 Beyond the Sphinx – The Logs of JD Flora I – Joachim H. Steingrübner
8 Daughters of Time – The Logs of JD Flora II  – Joachim H. Steingrübner
9 Beyond the Sphinx  – The Logs of JD Flora III  – Joachim H. Steingrübner
10 Sound & Consciousness (in preparation)  –  Maximilian J. Sandor
10 Tales From The Hellequin Cycle – Edward J. Dawson
11 Harmonie Lehre – Arnold Schoenberg
12 Tractatus Philosophicus – Ludwig Wittgenstein
13 Sound and Symbol – Viktor Zuckerkandl
14 Die Lehre des Buddho – Georg Grimm
15 Phänomelogie des Geistes – Georg Wilhekm Friedrich Hegel
16 Pali Canon (Early Buddihsm)
17 Spandakarika (Kashmir Shaivism)
18 The Sacred Ifa Oracle: Afolabi A. Epega, Philip J. Neimark
19 Drumming the Gods – Luis M. Núñez
20 Apocryphon of John – trans. Frederik Wisse
21 Thunder – Perfect Mind – transl. George W. MacRae
22 The Hypostasis of the Archons – trans. Bentley Layton
23  תּוֹרָה‎, (Torah)
24 القرآن‎‎ al-Qurʾān (Koran)
25 Καινή Διαθήκη (New Testament)
26 Excalibur Revisited – Geoffrey Filbert
27 History of Man – L. Ron Hubbard
28 Also sprach Zarathustra – Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen. 1883–1885
29 Jenseits von Gut und Böse – Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft. 1886
30 On Nature and Language – Noam Chomsky
31 Epigenetics – Bruce Lipton
32 The Science Delusion – Rupert Sheldrake
33 老子 – Laozi / Tao Te Ching
34 Weltbilderschütterung – Erhard Landmann
35 Die Welt der Musik – Rudolf Steiner
36 Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil, 1832, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
37 Zur Farbenlehre, 1810, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
38 Scientologie, , Wissenschaft von der Beschaffenheit und der Tauglichkeit des Wissens, 1934,  Anastasius Nordenholz
39 Science and Sanity, 1933, Alfred Korzybski

Publications (papers)

p1 IV World Conference on Robotics Research – IEEE, 1992, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Joachim H. Steingrübner
P2 The Concur Paradigm –  Joachim H. Steingrübner, 1991, Pacific Western  Univ., Los Angeles
p3 Über Buddho und Hegel (4 parts)- 1977-1979, Yana Journal, Utting a.A.
p4 Ambient Music – Beginnings and Implications – Radford Univ., Virginia, Chris Melchior
p5 PARCOR Speech Analysis Implementation, 1975  FTZ Research Institutes, Darmstadt
p6 Meta-Parser for a Compiler-Compiler, 1979 THD Darmstadt


w1 Max Sandor’s official website
Universe (online book by Maximilan Sandor)
w2 Sandorian Grove (BLOG of Max Sandor)
w3 Adesso qui
w4 O futuro presente
w5 SimpliGermanissimus
w6 The Complete Guide to Energy Bodies (Chris Melchior)
w7 Maps of Universes (Chris Melchior)
w8 The Ghost Danse – Ouran
w9 Vikings – Emund Meadows
w10 PHNOHTEFTU – The little Purple Notebook on How to Escape from this Universe (by Max Sandor)


a1 Mindshift – (Max Sandor / Dino Productions, Hollywood)
a2 Shango Overdrive (Max Sandor), 2002, Los Angeles (amazon)
a3 Luci (texts of Max Sandor – in italian), Milan, Italy 2005
a4 Bigger Than Blue – Lisa Franco, Los Angeles
a5 Arnold Schoenberg – Gurre Lieder, Vienna
a6 Arnold Schoenberg – Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21, of 1912


v1 Passion for Truth (English subtitles) – Portuguese: Italian
v2 2012 Countdown Worldtour
v3 Repentistas (Salvador, Bahia)
v4 Ludwig Wittgenstein – Eintragung 1931

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