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Raising The Frequency of Love

64.(Advanced) Raising The Frequency of Love

“Love has a bad name” these days.

At least, in earlier times of civilization, raw, unfettered love had a name. Agape in Greek, Minne in Old-High German, Metta in Pali.

Nowadays, words like kind-heartedness, benevolence, grace, affection, affinity, etc, are being used – with each of these words having a different undertone and implications of meanings.

While many scoff at the notion of ‘love’ as an outdated concept and prefer the abstract mechanics of sophisticated process technologies
like GPM-handling, implant removal, and the like, they are missing a key ingredient in liberation:

without command over the frequencies of love, any rise in power is likely to kick back in time in one way or in another.

In the other extreme, lots of ‘New Agers’ get lost in romantic indulgence into their fuzzy perception of ‘love’, and are thus failing to get in control over their own feelings.

Adding to this confusion in both extremes, the difference between the ‘spirit’ of the Being and its physical incarnation (the human body), is
frequently avoided.

Before surveying the many shades of love (which represent a scale in its own right), the following differentiation is therefore emphasized here:

There is a vibration of  ‘love’ for:

  A. Physical Body
  B. Spiritual Aspect of the Being
  C. Physical Body + Spiritual Aspect

The most fundamental exercise of Gotamo Siddharto (the ‘Buddha’), for example, yields astonishing result only for B (the ‘spirit’) and is not only wasted time otherwise – it could even _increase_ ‘attachment’ instead of resolving it.

From a practical viewpoint all three possibilities should be mastered and practiced as needed even though the real powerblast happens when the Spiritual Aspect of The Being raises the frequency of ‘love’ by itself.

The tremendous power of this vibration is often underestimated. With this power raised, a man literally becomes invincible even in the physical
realm – it becomes impossible to hurt him in any way.

In the realm of the mind, ‘love’ – properly and smoothly raised on a gradient – dissolves the worst foes of man – the very forces that hold down even the greatest thinker in history.

In Ancient India these foes were dubbed the ‘chains of the higher bondage’. They hold down a Being in this (lower) Universe and they were seen to have its roots in agreements in the ‘higher Universe’. (Note: the Gods (‘devas’) are within _this_ Universe, the higher Universe has been quite empty since many Universe cycles or maha-kalpas).

It is exceedingly difficult to write about the ‘chains of the higher bondage’ and the author of this ‘Little Purple Notebook…’ already made three (failed) attempts in doing so.

Fortunately (and _very_ fortunately so!!), Alan C. Walter shared his successful attempt in tackling the problem on the Web and his write-up is _highly_ recommended for readers of the ‘Little Purple Notebook’:

It cannot be emphasized enough how careful the ‘chains of the higher bondage’ ought to be approached: one misstep and life can be literally shattered to pieces.

Thus, a subtle approach is vital and the exercises below should be done on a very fine scale and in very slow motion.

Before looking at the ‘scale of love’, a short note on Hubbard’s concept of ‘affinity’:

His affinity-concept is often interpreted as ‘love’ and bound into the triad affinity-reality-communication.

Besides the circumstance that his modern-times followers show a glaring lack of ‘love’ in their daily lives, a higher vibration of love such as ‘responsibility’ is bound into its own triad respectively (the KRC
triangle) and a scale for love itself is not recognizable. ‘Affinity’, as defined by Hubbard, appears to the author therefore as a willingness to
pervade a given space, one of the lowest forms of the ‘love’ vibration and a lower harmonic of the ‘equanimity’ vibration, void of detectable emotions.

While Gotamo restricted his teachings to four steps of the scale of love (friendship, caring, joy for others, equanimity), the following will detail the scale a bit further. This seems necessary since modern followers of Gotamo mostly lost the concept of the scale involved and thus never arrive at the higher vibrations in a systematic way (most adepts start with friendship in either the A. or the C. class above and then _drop_ to ‘compassion’ (suffering with others) rather than rise to ‘caring’ (the word ‘care’ can be traced to the same root that is the word ‘ka.runa’ is based on).

In a nutshell, the love vibration once evoked should be raised gradually for physical objects (bodies), the spirit, and both. Of course, one
could engage only in the latter. However, it would be like someone to learn singing a song while playing a guitar at the same time all at once, rather than learning to play the guitar by itself and practicing singing as such before trying to do both synchronously.

Here is a template which could be used as a guide for evoking the vibrations of ‘love’:

(Since words never accurately describing any phenomena, the reader should replace these words with his/her own concepts or verbalizations).


– Affinity (as the willingness to be _there_)
– Spanda   (the vibration just before doing something)

Raising the ‘love’ frequency _continuously_ & _smoothly_,
landmarked by the states of:

– friendship
– loving interest
– caring
– responsibility
– joy for the happiness of others

– ‘permeation’ (without active or reactive
    emotional involvement)

The last vibration is so ‘high’ that it is usually not classified as an emotion as such.

‘Responsibility’, one of the most abused words in the human realm, does not mean ‘obligation’ in this context – it is here a frequency of ‘love’.

It is remarkable, that ‘responsibility’ is often used in lieu of ‘blame’. For example, ‘assigning responsibility’ is usually the act of assigning ‘blame’ and it is rarely meant as an invitation to really rise on the scale.

‘Blame’ can be seen as a the effect of a ‘betrayal of responsibility’ and ‘Shame’ can be seen as a ‘betrayal of caring or friendship’.

These two are the main holders of the ‘higher bondage’ (or ‘Furies’ as Alan C. Walter calls them in the articles mentioned above).

Any raise in the intensity of ‘responsibility’ will prompt the kicking in of higher bondage beams that will force the person down again in order to prevent it from doing ‘damage’ by abusing its powers.

Similarly, any raise in the intensity of vibrations in the vicinity of ‘friendship’ and ‘caring’, will evoke the ‘Shame’ holders that the Being set up in agreement with others before descending to this Universe.

Even if the person holds itself down ‘successfully’ during the span of a lifetime (without too much ‘bad stuff’ kicking in) during the time in-between-lives these bondages will be reactivated. The recognition
of this phenomena led to the concept of ‘Judgement’.

But it should always be kept in mind that the person itself is a vital part of the very agreement that holds itself down, even if there is ‘help’ from Beings with similar considerations.

Now, a vibration can only happen with the readiness of whatever is in the space that becomes ‘vibrated’.

In other words, the prerequisite to being able to ‘love’ someone (on whichever position on the scale outlined above), is the ability to grant the ability to ‘love’ to the (populated) space that is permeated.

It is therefore extremely helpful to explicitly grant this ability to one’s environment and to refresh it every once a while.

For example, looking around in one’s environment and:

– recognizing & amplifying the responsibility of the walls
   of the room, the responsibility of the chair one is
   sitting on, any Beings in the space, etc.

This basic action (which also works as a so-called ‘havingness process), is extremely empowering and should be done before and, if possible during, any exercises of raising & intensifying vibrations on the ‘love’ scale.

Once it is possible to raise these frequencies, their intensity can be increased _very_ slowly.

During this process, ‘higher bondage items’ (furies) may show up. They can be run out by holding the frequencies long enough and at a constant intensity (just before the trap becomes activated), or they can be (carefully!!!) approached by color processing the beams itself or by following Alan C. Walter’s suggestions.

In any case,

– the agreement of all holders,
– the action that prompted the self-imprisonment or
– and the subsequent restriction of the Being’s space
   (‘hide-outs’, ‘boxes’, ‘capsules’, and the like)

  ** must be viewed  thoroughly ** .

Again, actions like this should never be rushed under any circumstances and it should never be attempted to raise the intensity of a vibration beyond the acceptance level existing at the time. The effects could
literally be fatal and have been so in countless cases throughout history of man (one may even be tempted to say _all_ cases since the ‘Higher Universe’ is still very, very, very, very empty!).

At a certain point during this processing, it may become apparent that one may hold another Being’s spatial restrictions based on an earlier mutual agreement.

The resolution of those bondages (for others) seems to be less dangerous since they do not become activated very much in the process. Nevertheless, this action should be done with extreme caution as well.

Again, enough time should be allocated in between major resolutions and it is, as always, a very good idea to retrospect past activations of this most vicious of all traps and to clean up its often dramatic side-effects.

It is unperceivable that even once in a Blue Moon (such as the night when this article was written), someone could fully permeate (and thus transcend!) this Universe without having resolved the ‘higher bondages’.

It is through them that we are here in the first place and it is because of these bondages that this Universe is a prison rather than a playground.

Copyleft © 1998 by Maximilian J. Sandor

Addendum 2020 (for all students of Ifá)

22 years have passed since above was written. What was said was, is, and will be true. Nothing there to change a word.

However, at the time of the writing I was just beginning to learn the mysteries of Ifá. Since then I came to know that the paradigm of love and bondage is reflected by the basic polarity of the Olodus (primal polarity poles) of the Ifá system called Otura and Irete. Students of Ifá, please take note 🙂 !

The ‘Flow State’ within the flow of Eshus

Below follow sketchy notes on the Flow State achievement, compiled from notes on the Thrills&Chills Management and Peak State Training by its author Max Sandor. These were made for coaches of Power Coaching but they turned out to be very useful of coachees as well, and, beyon…pictureWithout a lot of other explanations, for those in the know, we add to the discrete steps of the Flow State emergence the flow numbers from Sandor’s numerical system of the ‘Flows of Eshu’ – along with the names of the according polarities within the 16×16 Matrix of Ifá, the so-called Odù. You can skip that information unless you want to look deeper. In the latter case, you can USE this very information of course to modify the parameters easily and find other conditions to enter the flow state AT WILL. The SEQUENCE will always be the same because it NATURALLY follows the a sequence of natural numbers that mark the SCRIPTS of the polarities of the Matrix of the Universe via its Flows of Eshu.

Script A (encapsulated by prime states 19 & 23)
Before a Beginning…. there is Detachment, detachment, detachment (Flow #19, a rogue flow with no polarity attached to it)

A. Setup
— A1. Chaos, loud noises, random movements, shaking limbs (Flow #20 with Ofun-oyeku)
— A2. Aesthetics with movement, cheerleaders…(Flow #20 with Oshe-Irosun)

B. Assuming position. Time seems to stand still or go slower. Everything is heavier and slower than usual. (Flow #21 with Ogunda-Owonrin)
Note: this state is polarizing into its opposite after passing through the charging up forces of #22 and #23 and then become the appearance of speeding up time and levitation. See Cartoons for funny animations of this part.

C. Ready! an impulse, main entry point for a Thrill (Flow #22 with Oyeku-Odi)

D. Steady! waiting for the start shot (Flow #23 => a rogue flow.
Notes: this is the most frequent moment of noticing a Thrill which in reality already sparked in C. Also, noticed as a suspense in films or music, often artificially prolonged before an impact (for example in cartoons). The State #23 is also the natural ‘attractor’ for the male force (attracting the female). Should not be extended for too long, if not it can enter a Chill and fall back on the negative side of state #19 (despair, upset), the encapsulating entry state.

(end of script A / overlapping with B)

Script B (encapsulated by prime states 23 & 29)
E. Go!
— E1. gunfire, explosion (Flow #24 with Ogbe-ogunda)
— E2. a bright flash, intense fire (Flow #24 with Irosun-bara)
— E3. an insight, AHA experience (Flow #24 with Obara-rosun)
— E4. falling, going down, no ground under the feet (Flow #24 with Oyeku-Iwori)
— E5. a process from Agni Yoga (flipping between E2 and E3), also used in GIRAPOLI

F. Finally, entering the Flow State by adding a sense of aesthetics (Flow #25 with Oshe-Meji), maintained by a constant flow of beauty BOTH inside and outside.
Note: Some drugs (amphetamines, cocaine) can create an artificial remembrance (substitute) of this state. The drawback is severe because State #26 will be kicking in heavily on the negative side after the effect is fading (see below).

G. Now we have two choices:
—G1. Exiting the Flow State by going on too long and entering H. (Flow #26 => Oyeku-beka). A great void is felt. There can be either the sense of being reborn or that of dying. This is typically happening after passing the finishing line or the curtain dropped down.
—G2. Renewal of the thrill. On stage, a new punch line; in the arena, having scored. A new stunt, a new thrill. (looping back to Flow #23 and passing through #24 and adding an aesthetics before re-entering or maintaining the flow state)

H. post coitum anima tristis est (Flow #26 => Oyeku-beka)

(the following 2 super peak-states are usually blocked by State #26)

I. Pure (Fighting) Magick, the energy behind Fa Jin (Flow #27 with Osa-gunda)

J. Pure Power ( Flow #28 with Oyeku-Oturopon)

(end of script B)


OK. That’s so far just a sequence of observable events for the majority of instances of a Flow State occurring in life. There are quite a number of these descriptions out there even though the one above is unique in its details and the way it is hinting at a more universal structure or SCRIPT in life.

Now, using the Thrills&Chills observations, we can MARK exactly WHERE in this sequence our thrill(s) occur. We can ‘clean’ these from our minds by de-linking them from emotions and efforts. Then we can invoke the thrills and we can ENTER the sequence at that moment where it occurs in the sequence. This saves us from going through the entire chain of events and preparations and is practically ‘guaranteed’ to work.

There are OTHER ways to get into the Flow directly at any time. They however involve a model of the human psyche different from today’s mainstream perspective. Let me mention just two: one, cleaning and activating the Gunas (a Vedic approach), and two, activating the polarity of the FLOW state as the peak-state called Oshe-Meji (roughly, a flow of beauty inside Vs a flow of beauty outside) using Max Sandor’s GIRAPOLI method.

Both narratives presented here are obviously counter-examples for the conventional Risk & Reward concept for (successful) Games.

Are Flow States addictive? In a larger sense, perhaps. After working with Thrills & Chills, however, you may change your opinion and side with me in saying that it is really the Thrill that is addictive, and not the Flow State. For what it’s worth 🙂


To contrast above, here now is the short history of how I lost my Flow again. Only with the superimposition of the two stories, how it worked and how it didn’t, I later on gained a perspective of the details of the arrival and maintenance of what people now call the Flow State.

After my glorious and unexpected victory at the New Year’s Cross-Country in 1964, I was winning every competition. EVERY. With an interruption because of an accident and a botched knee surgery that nearly left me crippled for life, years passed by and the streak continued. On the track, I simply reenacted my entrance into the Flow that I had experienced on the ski trail and I won easily. In the hindsight, I never lost on track nor trail ever, except once. Which was to become my last race.

It was 1968, the year of the Olympics of Mexico City, I was training officially in a club by now and even had the latest running shoes for the track, featuring replaceable spikes. I was invincible. One Friday night in early Spring, my trainer rang the door bell and told my mother that we had drive about 5 hours for me to compete the next morning and then in another the day after. With both races won and with times in a reasonable range, he would lobby to get me to fill in a sudden vacancy in the Olympic team. despite my young age. Why wait four years (for the next Olympics) when you win already any and all competitions now? he said and off we drove in the middle of the night. There was no doubt in my mind that I would win. Not that I COULD win, but that I WOULD win. Once in the flow, I had a never-failing strategy for the 400m distance, and, yes, I was always practically flying with the Flow up and through the finishing line.

We prepared me for the race as usual. Then one of the head honchos of the National Team came by to have look at me. “Look!” he said to me, intentionally ignoring my trainer “Now matter what you got told by anyone, today you don’t need to win at all. All other runners in this next race are already confirmed for Mexico. And there is no second run, that’s your only chance right now. But you need to stay under 48.5. That’s what you will do: Go strong immediately from the beginning, don’t worry about the finish. Full speed from the beginning. You don’t need to win. Have I been clear? This is an order! You follow it, you’ll have the ticket to Mexico in your pocket. Understood?” And he walked away without waiting for my response. My trainer, visibly uncomfortable with the situation, tapped me on the back. “Come on! He is not even a coach. But he has the say! So, ignore what we two talked about during the long drive to here. Actually, ignore everything you know! DO EXACTLY as he told you. If you don’t follow his orders, he won’t get you on the team even if you would beat all the others.” To say I was unhappy would be an understatement. I was boiling inside. I was so upset, I even walked into the wrong lane to get settled in the starting hole. What an embarrassment! I skipped closing my eyes and blanking out my mind as I usually did. I didn’t even shake my limbs. I just wanted to get it over with. Less than one minute separated me from being on the Olympic team and on my way to Mexico. I produced two fail starts. The other runners getting annoying. Then the shot, and I started to run as fast as I could. Thoughts raced through my mind, the ash on the track looked ugly to me, I didn’t take notice at all of the other runners. I felt only only my emotions in uproar.

After 20 meters or so, the Flow should have set in, but it didn’t. Between 40 and 50 meters I usually was in the full Flow state already. Not this time. The seconds crawled along like minutes. No Flow still at the 100 mark. it seemed an eternity to get to the 200. I kept up full speed. I felt clumsy and not as elegantly floating along as usual. Passing the 300. Coming up on the final stretch. I suddenly was aware that I had nobody in front of me. Nobody to chase in front of me, as I always liked it so much except for the final sprint. I was clearly in the lead. 80 meters to go. I heard my own breath. Something I never had noticed before. I heard the runners behind me coming closer and closer. 50 meters to go. My knees suddenly started to feel soft and a bit wobbly. I lost speed dramatically. At 40 meters before the finishing line, all other runners had passed me. My thoughts were still racing through my mind. Just come in within medal range. Nothing else counts! My legs started to feel like half a ton of weight. Then they quit. The last 10 meters I could hardly walk.
I passed the finishing line like a snail. My competitors already on the way to the shower as I falling down in the grass beside the track, thinking I was about to die. A strange fear and a scary darkness was engulfing me. I was certain I would not survive one more moment like this. In this moment of agony, I made the solemn oath to never again run in a competition if I should ever survive this horrifying moment. And I never did run thereafter. My athletic career was over after less than five years, short and glorious, and OVER.

This didn’t have to happen, of course. But it did. Pretty much the way I described it today. It took me more than thirty years to start understanding what went wrong. “Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t”. And there is a method to the Flow state. A state, everyone can get in. Everyone!]]> 2016-05-20T22:59:25Z 2016-05-23T21:15:00ZThrills&Chills Management is an essential tool of Game Management to motivate the players initiating and maintaining a game. It supersedes conventional ‘Rewards & Risk’ models which are true only in games which have been compromised (see below). It introduces the concept of ‘Essences…pictureThrills&Chills Management is an essential tool of Game Management to motivate the players initiating and maintaining a game.

It supersedes conventional ‘Rewards & Risk’ models which are true only in games which have been compromised (see below).

It introduces the concept of ‘Essences’ as a ‘third E’ in addition to Efforts and Emotions.

A THRILL is the indication of a MOVE towards a desired game position. Take notice here, it is the MOVE, not the fulfillment of the action itself.

A CHILL is the opposite of a thrill – a desired position has been thwarted.

Both Thrills and Chills, in the definitions here used, are NOT emotions even though they typically prompt players & spectators to have some of the latter.

It is common to confuse thrills’n’chills with the emotions of celebration and disappointment after a victory or a defeat. This happens to spectators which are NOT players. A perfect player does not feel any emotion during the duration of a game – it would hinder peak performance as a player.

Again, Thrills&Chills are mirrored down from the upper-consciousness of a PLAYER. There are a glimpse from a different ‘Universe’ in which ‘flows of essences’ is the core of the game. Essences are comparable to Efforts and Emotions: however, they are from entirely different ‘worlds’: efforts are embedded in the physical Universe, emotions are human sentiments.

The perceptions of a flow within a game as a spectator and as a player are DIFFERENT. In consequence, the thrill experienced by a player is often NOT even imaginable by the spectator.



A Thriller, like in movies and books, consists of a SEQUENCE of thrills and chills with a final CLIMAX which ends the game (an the movie).

In ball games, we often see an embedding larger game structure with the possibility of several climaxes for either party (goals or points) and this larger game is than viewed as the ‘game itself’.

In acquisition games (‘Monopoly’) the only difference is that there are no time limits like in sports games.


About Analyzing Games:

– A first action typically consists of a survey of actual (currently) existing thrills and chills.

– Next, isolate and model/simulate the game scenarios. Substitute links to other games by tokens (placeholders) and model those separately to reduce complexity of the model.

– Mark the 3 types of ‘E’ where they occur in the flow of game events: Effort, Emotion, and Essence. The latter can be only INFERRED because they happen in a super-conscious event space.

– Evaluate the type of a game (see below)

– Here and now, analyze the conventional wisdom of resource analysis (risk & reward) and determine what the expected outcome would be (win/win. win/lose. lose/win, or lose/lose).

– You can now redesign the games compound as needed.


Notes on types of Games:

– an INNOCENT game is a game that is played for the sake of playing a game, like children’s game, and, in a sense, the game of life in our Universe.

– a FALSE game is that produces another effect than what has been proposed by the game makers

– a MALICIOUS or BAD GAME is a trick game to cause the participants to be hurt

– a FAKE GAME is one that is offered to occlude a ‘real game’ which remains hidden

– a SPOILED GAME, a pseudo-game where the ‘reward’ of the game makers is the only objective

Note, that a game may have a ‘mixed-type’ and that it may CHANGE its type over time (which, if intentionally done so, is typical of a malicious or a spoiled game).

Last not least:
“Certainly the game is rigged. Don’t let that stop you; if you don’t bet you can’t win.”
— Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
]]> 2016-05-19T17:21:08Z 2016-05-19T18:41:07ZTowards a revised definition of Games and its parameters. Note, that “reward and risk” have been omitted in this layout. Conventionally, they are regarded as part of games, which is true only for some games, especially all that are fake, malicious, or false (definitions in Part 2). “Rewards and ri…pictureTowards a revised definition of Games and its parameters. Note, that “reward and risk” have been omitted in this layout. Conventionally, they are regarded as part of games, which is true only for some games, especially all that are fake, malicious, or false (definitions in Part 2). “Rewards and risks” are either rationalizations of thrills or they serve in strategies and Game Resource Management for organizing particles (‘resources’) and are NOT necessary to play a game.

A game consists of a coordination of vectors of game forces in support or opposition of another such game (a cyclic definition!). There are three basic game force types: efforts, emotions, and powers.

Efforts are physical movements to conquer or maintain a location in a game terrain. Power is the ability to control a location in a game terrain. Emotions are human reactions to the state of a game and are used as an additional, intermediary game terrain.

A strategy is a plan of the coordination of game force.

A Thrill is a flash of awareness of intending, initiating, modifying, or terminating a game. A Chill is a flash of awareness of a danger to a strategy within a game.

A goal is a declared state of a game, such as the location of vectors at a given time.

Players are points of origin of game vectors. Particles are physical or non-physical placeholders (tokens) moved or positioned to mark a location in a game terrain.

Game management is the organization of players, particles, and resources.

For an effective Game Analysis (or Synthesis), it is vital to draw a map of the flows of ALL of the above parts of a game. In especially, note Thrills&Chills and Rewards&Risks for any sub-game.

Mixing, confusing, converging, contrasting, referencing, or WHAT? Concor-dancing ! YEAH!

Frequently I receive some feedback, from friends and foes alike, complaining of my usage of strange words and concepts within my articles, especially when I throw in some of less than 30 words of Yoruba I use in my written articles (namely, the names of the 16 principles of Ifá, the names of the six archetypes complexes, and the word Eshu and Odu).

Am I throwing it all in a pot to confuse everybody? Justify some weird religion, mumbo jumbo, voodoo style?

Hmm, I invite you to look at my articles again from this view: I never EXPLAIN anything using the Odu (or other paradigms). I put the concepts SIDE-BY-SIDE of the phenomenon in question.

In other words, you don’t have to know anything about Ifá, or my reformulation of it as Quantum-Fá, if you see these funny words. You could simply ignore them. But you could also USE them to look at what I’m pointing at. You could use it as a concordance to define what the Ifá names are pointing at.

For example, the enigma known as ‘power-change’ has a representation in Ifá as the principle (Olodu) of ‘Osa’. Voilá, you understand the phenomenon of ‘power-change’ and you’ll have a glimpse of its meaning as one of the 16 Ifá principles. Likewise, if you look at its representation in Quantum Fá’s number system of Eshu flows, the number 9 (nine), you’ll understand its underlying force. I was tempted to put Tesla’s number model on the page but that would be throwing off the lid even more. Or perhaps, not? He certainly got some deep understandings of its working.

Same for the Elliott Wave concordance:

Elliott Wave Theory - Elliott Tools - MetaTrader 5 Help

(this image may be copyrighted, I didnt find the owner)

The beauty of the Elliott Wave is that it lnks the number progression with Fibonacci relationships and demonstrates the universality of the model in nature and society alike.

‘Power-change’ here is represented as the ‘correction wave’, number 9, Osa, you name it. Whatever you like it.

Here again, I prefer to point to parallel models of paradigms, instead of clothing one model in a bunch of words.

Concor-dancing, it you like!

The mystery lies deep within the phenomenon, not within the clumsy words that point to it.

I forgot the home-work challenge question:

If we look at a contiously rising frequency layout, a piano keyboard for example, where would be ‘power-change’?
B or C or?
(this is asking in other words, where is the next root? At the octave (8)? or at the next two up (10) which would be ‘D’ (Re)?

Fact-checking some fact-checking

Recently a post of mine on Facebook had been tagged as ‘False Information’ and a link to some ‘fact-checking information’ had been added to the link on my page. This was the very second time this has happened and this morning I finally took some time to look at this.

To my utter surprise, NOTHING in the two posts I had linked was declared ‘false’ per se. Instead, a tremendously long page tried to explain a lot of things around the general subject of the post. Again, the information provided in the ‘fact-checking’ page exceeded the scope of the original post vastly without de facto invalidating the information originally provided.

Why then labeling the posts as ‘false information’?

Case 1: ‘an extra-governmental panel convened in Germany to verify the information around the corona virus’. The fact-checker’s verdict: this is false information because the government didn’t approve of the panel. What? Hello!!! The purpose of an extra-governmental panel is to act WITHOUT governmental approval. In short: this fact-checker used one of the most lame disinformation tactics on the planet.

Case 2: some studies referenced to by the WHO some time ago are indicating the limits and dangers of the use of masks indiscriminantly. The fact-checker didn’t argue with any of that. Why is it ‘false information’ even though the WHO endorsed it? Because, so says the fact-checker, it is not ‘current science’. There you have it! The information of some weeks ago on the WHO (and if I’m not mistaken, still there today) is outdated, so says the fact checker, And, further, the ‘majority of scientists’ are not upholding this view anymore (nowhere in the post it was stated that it would!). In short, SHAME ON YOU, fact checker, for a second time.

’nuff zed.


An Experiment of teaching more efficiently

In the past two decades of introducing new and unheard-of concepts to larger audiences, I routinely encountered an initial blankness. The more uncommon the new concept was, the more profound was also this ‘blank’.

In parallel we see a pattern of confusion during the initial stages of a SkyWork procedure. A SkyWork is a personal group=work of witnessing together the interaction of people simulating the relations between other people, which we call ‘constellations’. In this work, the forces of nature gravitate towards solutions by themselves and respecting them will optimize a malformed ‘constellation’, no matter whether they occur in co-living of family members, in processes of nature itself, or in the co-operation of business partners.

In the early 2000’s I realized that the so-called Learning Curve is simply an example of this seemingly odd behavior of human consciousness. Soon thereafter, I realized that there exists an elegant explanation in the Ifá philosophy. It is also compatible with observations of the state of something in general, by some called the ‘Conditions of Existence’. It even shows up in statistical processes of mass behavior such as reflected in stock market numbers, known as the Elliot Wave.

In this short introduction you will find these observations welded together into just one proposal.

The experiment of the LearningWave consists of tests of how to stagger information clusters over time in order to optimize the process of learning new things, not just abstract data or words but also skills, like playing a musical instrument, for example.

Tests made within a scientific setting showed a surprising fact: students learning a piano piece were dramatically better evolving if the lessons were short and separated by a night of sleep instead of longer instruction sessions. They could assimilate new contents much more rapidly and effortless and achieved a better quality of performance than conventional teaching provided which invest a lot more time and effort.

The first time I had an idea in this direction was in the mid 80s. A friend of a co-worker had made a suicide attempt. Someone remarked that she should have read a book that was in vogue at the time, the ’10th Insight’ by James Redfield. This may have helped her to avoid her depression. My friend had never heard of the book. I had a copy and lent it to him. The next morning at work he commented that he had read the entire book in ‘one swoop’ the same night. I was suprised about that. I had read the book and reflected about each chapter before diving into the next one. I questioned him to some of the key contents of the book and it turned out he had not understood a single one of the various proposals which are brought forward in this book. Regardless of how useful the information in this book may be or or not, it struck me that its message never arrived at this particular reader.

This prompted me to think about how it could be done better. With the strong encouragement of my co-workers at the time, I started my career as a writer. I published one story every other day on my ‘Daily Log’, a brand-new idea which would become the precursor of the BLOG concept later on. Every story contained one philosphical concept observable in daily life. The ‘Logs of JD Flora’ were born, today available as book form: 144 stories in three books, to be read in 288 days, one story every other day.

Fast forward 25 years and I find myself experimenting again with the content of ‘delayed information delivery’. Starting with a regular ‘aula’, I will add info-bits througout the following days and we will see if the information arrives better than in the past.

The initial subject of the teaching is at the core of the problem of teaching itself, or of life in general: ‘Cause and Effect’ – a crash course in what we should have learned already as infants.

To have an idea of a cause manifesting as an effect we’ll look at the basic layout of the First Wheel of Ifá as described Dawson&Sandor in “Polar Dynamics 1”:

The effect being caused is called a ‘change’. This is not merely a creation of sorts but any change of existing pattern. For example, causing a movement to stop means changing the path of events: it is a change in our definition.

If the progression does not repeat itself after breaking down at ‘9’, it will leave the current Universe and it will enter a Universe below (descension) or above (ascension), via Odi and Iwori, and Ika (contraction, expansion, and birth). The boundary is the first Eshu realm beyond the human Universe, a space divider of type number 17 to enter the domain beyond at 18. To do that it must first pass 15 (Otura, affinity) and 16 (Irete, perfection, freedom), both key concepts in most (all?) religions and philosophies.

This (expanded) model of the First Wheel contains the complete mechanism of this Universe. It was known during the times of the Vedas, about 6000 years ago as it is said, but its symbolical representation (the svastika) has been usurped and is not useable anymore for the sake of political correctness. Its anti-clockwise progression is destructive.

We could call it the logical pulse of the Universe we are living in. On a cosmic Oscilloscope we would see something like that:

If you know electronics, you will recognize this signal as the one created when a power source gets switched on and off.

Completely independent of our musings here, you may be aware that this behavior violates the law of an effect always following a cause: somehow the electrons ‘know’ of the switch to become enacted BEFORE the switch is actually done, a rarely talked about enigma in our modern technology which can be observed by anyone equipped with a basic oscilloscope and a fast-switching circuit, such as a simple TTL chip.

In any case, we shall use it in the challenge of teaching new concepts in its molding as a “LearningWave”.

The World-Tree (revisited)

This brief report comes in two parts: one based on direct observations during and after a recent 50+ hours stay in (induced) coma in an ER (emergency room) in Sorocaba/Brazil, and another part which is connecting the dots together to make sense of some of the features I observed.

In lieu of a Preface: the world tree in world religions and in fiction

Until now I considered descriptions of the World Tree, the hypothetical structure that links the Universes and different Dimensons, togethers, as not much more than theoretical musings or mythical dreams without any practical use. This has changed – now that I see how relevant this odd subject becomes once your body is about to kick the bucket. I’m now writing about this subject. However, I do it exclusively from my own subjective viewpoint without preference nor rejection of any descriptions in the religions of men. I know this structure EXISTS. Not because I would believe anyone or anything but simply because I SAW it and I climbed around it haphazardly for an extended period of time. I would have stayed in it for an unpredictable amount of time if my body wouldn’t have come to function again and had flooded me with its sensations and perceptions.

MC Escher… 1947 woodcut

Strangely, it took me many weeks until I realized that that what I had seen is pointing to what many ‘seers’ and ‘thinkers’ have referred to as the ‘World Tree’ in the past. This concept often gets equated or mixed up with the meme of a ‘Tree of Life’ as the SOURCE of all life or even with the ‘Tree of Knowledge (of good and evil)’. In my experiences, also before the coma, I never witnessed anyhing of that kind (which doesn’t mean it wouldn’t exist).

Nearly all ancient religions have a world tree or something similar to this concept. Starting all, with the mother of all known practices, the Mongolian Shamanism, names giver to the world ‘shaman’, the ´modun’ is, besides a common tree, also the name of the tree of the world, an imaginary or virtually ‘real’ construction (scuse’ my paradox) that is being used to ‘walk’ or ‘journey’ beyond the common human experience.

It is impossible to assess the amount of knowledge or shared experiences from these ancient times. However,if we look at modern ‘traditional’ Shamans (sorry, another time, for a paradox), we find the vision of a world tree in reports of some Ayahuasca ‘pajé’ shamans. There we have a glimpse of what I believe to be an essential part of the process of exploring the world tree: the ‘icaro’, a mantra or a songlet that stays with the voyager all the time even when staying in timeless periods, the ‘transtemporal area’ as I call it. It is this ‘icaro’ which provides an ongoing orientation of identification without the use of an explicit sense of ‘self’, an ‘Ego’ as one would call it.

The colossal movie ‘Cloud Atlas’ portrayed this concept. ‘Cloud Atlas’ itself is a musical piece which stays in various forms with the personalities in different times and cultures. Strangely enough, the music used for that would not be well suited, in my opinion and experience, as a ‘transtemporal mantra’, an ‘icaro, to move around in different world scenarios. It lacks three key features that are essential to make it work once one is ‘in the tree’. On the other hand, the actual mantra and its rhythm undergoes a stage of adaption once it is being used with purpose and will find its useful intonation at that time whereas the ‘music’ used in the human experience is for sharing amongst humans, like in the movie.

The closest approximation of such a ‘transtemporal mantra’ I have encountered here in ‘this’ world is Kurusava’s Funeral March.

Part 1 : Direct observations

There cannot be something more subjective than watching the onset of the physical death of your body. My recent experiences have not been my first near-death-experiences but there were several in a row and a considerable time spent ‘in limbo’.

Essential for maintaining conscious awareness seemed to have been the use of a ‘transtemporal mantra’. ‘Everyone out there’ is using their own version. Variation in its rhythmic parts causes a movement of along the current beam (branch) one is ‘sitting’ on. In a default rhythmic intonation, there is no movement at all.

Essentially one is looking at a scenarios framed by construction beams, similar to a skyscraper’s framework without any windows or floors installed yet. For Shamans of the past, this was called a ‘tree’ even though it is missing the bends and twists of the twigs and branches of ‘natural’ trees.

Conventional Steel Buildings

One can only move along the beam one is sitting on, either backwards or forwards. Some other big critter (just like you but with a different appearance) may block your way on the beam. I have not dared to dispute any right of way while I was there.

Apart from the basic entral area, the bifurcations of the beams (or branches) of the world tree were not completely logical and ordered at first glance. Some parts looked more like buildings of MC Escher.

MC Escher (hand scanned from a book)

I had the impression that the pattern of bifurcations looked familiar to me but I didn’t have the ‘time’ to ‘think’ about it. I stayed with my ‘icaro’, my ‘transtemporal mantra’ to not lose conscious awareness of the surroundings. My impression became stronger as I moved along some of the pathways, especially as somone (‘who’ I don’t know) showed me how to create a pathway to another section, meaning another time/Universe/space.

Which means, the World Tree is a dynamic tree that grows new branches instantly on demand. The new branch is relative to the current position and follows certain rules as I already mentioned.

Part 2 : speculations

My best bet in the moment is that the World Tree follows the rules for a Natural Number Factorial Tree.

The Factorial Natural Number
Tree for the natural numbers from 1 to 16

It is possible that you may find different branching algoirthms for different observers or Universe parts. Or you may unfold it according to your own expectations, for example, following the ‘Tree of Life’ of the Kabbalah or the Yggdrasil of the Nordic myths.

From a distance, the entire assembly looked more like a 3D Kalachakra Mandala. I have shown (see ‘Sandorian Grove’) that this 3D Mandala is 100% compatible with the geometery of the Odú Ifá via the ‘Toth Diagram’.

Speculations aside, what is important is exploring the Universes from there on out. Human reasoning is not a requirement for that. Staying with the mantra, in contrast, may be of essence.

and afterwards?

Since returning from coma I am able to access about two thirds of what I remembered immediately afterwards. Which appears to be a small part of the whole experience.

So much for now.. stay tuned..

A Crash Course in Natural Logic

20+ memetic bombshells in 16 parts and 10+ fun exercises

Why we absolutely need to know HOW we think in order to survive the current war on our minds and souls.

Micrograph of a cortical neuron, showing its many dendrites.
  1. For starters: The ridiculous myth that our brain would operate like a digital computer
  2. TRUE or FALSE?
  3. “OR”, “XOR”, “NOR”
  7. convex spaces and relativity
  8. Intention and Actuation
  9. associative, structured, and linear memory
  10. types of opposites
  11. infinities and absolutes in items and in games
  12. orders of magnitudes and spatial relativity
  13. the paradox of self=perception
  14. Parallel events and causative factors, why Statistics is NOT science
  15. perception as detection of a differential
  16. Gotomas ‘Chain of cause’ (co-dependent arising)

Test your new insights with one or both of these actual memes:
a) What is the shape of Earth
b) can COVID-19 destroy humanity?

Picture source: Imre Vida (NeuroCure Cluster, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)