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Corso per Mentori di Girapoli – il mistero della polarità

Dentro i confini del mistero della polarità, troviamo alcuni dei segreti più antichi della cultura umana. Ogni volta che questi misteri venivano scoperti, ecco che il velo di silenzio e oscurità, molto velocemente, li nascose di nuovo. anche quando venivano francamente svelati, il loro senso più profondo non fu mai riconosciuto dai non-iniziati.

Dato che la conoscenza della polarità è una cura, la sua applicazione è anche un’arma; e dato che serve per svegliarsi e liberarsi, potrebbe anche servire per confondere un essere ingenuo – asservendolo facilmente. Siccome non esiste una difesa da una minaccia sconosciuta, la vittima non riesce nemmeno a consapevolizzare di essere prigioniera in una gabbia invisibile e invincibile.

A ciò deve aggiungersi che a nche se un essere prendesse coscienza dei muri della propria prigione perenne, non saprebbe comunque come abbaterli. Un famoso guru un tempo scrisse lista di venti (20!) metodi per disfare una polarità; metodi questi, però, che finiscono per rafforzare i muri, e l’unico metodo che funziona per abbatterli il ‘guru’ NON lo menzionò neanche.

Tu sei pronto per scoprire questo unico metodo conosciuto per salvarsi dagli artigli della bestia più crudele dell’Universo. Salvarsi dalla causa della tragedia umana, sia a livello individuale, sia a livello di gruppi di esseri umani.

Questo metodo è così semplice, che è facile ignorarne l’importanza. Siccome pochi esseri sono capaci di farlo funzionare al primo tentativo, da soli, senza aiuto, quasi tutti finiscono per dire: “non è niente di particolare”.

Questo fu il destino dell’insegnamento di Gotamo Siddharto, il ‘Buddha’, così seguì anche la storia della teoria della dialettica di Hegel. Il Buddha diceva che questo magnifico segreto è talmente sottile che solo pochi possono vederlo, e che la sua verità si sarebbe socuramente persa in meno di 500 anni. Hegel, in punto di morte, dichiarò che nessuno del suo tempo capì la verità della dialettica, a eccezione di una persona; e questa persona la invertì.

Non ripetere l’errore del passato, non lasciare passare l’opportunità di scoprire il segreto più visibile ma anche più difficile, il più ovvio ma anche meno risolvibile in tutto l’Universo.

Benvenuto al ‘Corso per Mentori di Girapoli –
il mistero della polarità’!

Planets on a string

This world model combines several seemingly contradicting properties of our world without adding any new ones. It also bridges to the view of the Universe as a system of resonances of vibrations (e.g. the ancient Spandacarica , see also the modern description of Daniel Odier ‘La Voie’) and especially the modern notion of ‘chakras’. In short, it is postulated that the physical reality is structural congruent with the energetic reality (chakra system and energy bodies in general), and with its mathematical abstraction as vibrational system in general (via the Helmholtz Equations).

The German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821- 1894) explored the the interfaces between physics, physiology, and psychology. His book “On the sensations of Tone” (1862) provided a generic model of a universal resonator (see image above).

The model proposed favors the premises and conclusions of the theory of Shape Dynamics.and its restriction to “objective observables,” in respects to the phenomenon of time while maintaining the framework of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity.


In the heart of the ‘Planets on a string’ model we find the concept of a concave Earth, an unproven but not (yet) falsified theory of the model of our world. (For a comparison between models of Earth, see Concave Earth Theory).

The problems of pole anomalies find surprising answers when we replace a closed sphere with open-ended sphere, an object proposed by Helmholtz in 1892. We can now combine more than one Earth to a  string of Earth implementations which are connected via its pole openings.

Such a structure is strikingly similar to the human ‘chakra system‘ and we can posit this to be based on a general structural conformity. If so, such structures follow the proportions according to the Fibonacci series which can be called a general growth function. In other words, we can see the physical world manifestation based on ‘natural’ growth and integrate ‘time’ as a geometric vector according to Shape Dynamics.

The ‘Planets-on-string’ Model provides us with a direct link to the basic equations of the Universe, known as the Maxwell’s Equations and their relation to the Helmholtz Wave Equation. A concise yet simple demonstration of how this works has been written up by Benjamin Klein here.

Many of the properties of these models can be observed (and used!) directly during awareness-based clearing, notably the ‘right-angle’ method and the resonance method in Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming, hinting further to the universal applicability of this model.



A busca do Ser por meio da integração da ciência, tecnologia e arte

para receber informações sobre palestras de Max Sandor, contate

Lição de casa: O desafio Heinlein (Heinlein Challenge)

  • escolhe uma tarefa da lista do Heinlein  OU invente uma nova tarefa deste tipo!
  • Identifique as partes da ciência, tecnologie e arte nesta tarefa!
  • Faça a tarefe por si mesmo!
  • Documente as suas contemplações e o ato com palavras e com video ou foto(s)!
  • Mande o seu documentãrio para:

Sinopse da palestra


– o que “buscamos” ?

– porque “por meio da integração da ciência, tecnologia e arte”?

– o que nos não contemplamos nesta palestra

(intermezzo: “A navalha de Occam”)

O que temos

-definições – integração, ciência, tecnologia e arte, singularidade, delimitações, extensões, AI, polímata

-a configuração mínima do homem

-a configuração máxima do homem

A aplicação 

´- o potencial de uma singularidade Non-AI:

(intermezzo: “A singularidade AI”)

– Carl Sagan “Toda criança é um cientista nato”

– Robert Heinlein “O homem competente”

– Joseph Beuys “Todo homem é artista”

–  O dilema  do diletantismo segundo Goethe (1799) e hoje (2017)

– a integração na educação

O resultado

– “a escultura social” (Beuys)

–   O “Homo Optimus”

–  A humanidade  5.0

– As questões perenes na busca do Ser

– e você?

Lição de casa

Palestra 24.11.2017 SESC Piracicaba

fotos: Mariana Damásio


SESC Piracicaba

Joca Adamoli

A navalha de Occam

Reductionismo budhista (ingl.) Georg Grimm

Toys (1992)

Krishnamurti Foundation, Ojai, CA

Jean Paul Sartre à la Sorbonne

documenta III   /  documenta IV

Joseph Beuys

Todo Homem é um artista / Escultura social
(Fórum Permanente)

Robert A. Heinlein “Competent man” (ingl.)

Fritjof Capra “A ciència de Leonardo da Vinci” (na Revista Livraria Cultura com comentarios de Max Sandor)

Carl Sagan – 12 pensamentos

O Polímata (Renaissance Man)

Melodyne – intro e curso de afinação automática 

Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

Um ser humano deveria ser capaz de mudar uma fralda, planejar uma invasão, matar um porco, guiar um navio, projetar uma construção, escrever um soneto, fazer balanço de caixa, construir uma parede, colocar um osso no lugar, dar conforto a quem está morrendo, receber ordens, dar ordens, cooperar, agir sozinho, resolver equações, analisar um novo problema, adubar o solo, programar um computador, cozinhar algo gostoso, lutar eficientemente, morrer galantemente. Especialação é para insetos .”

VORTEX Breath: Exhale Vs Exhaust

Exhaling is imbuing something in the Universe with your force, exhausting is drawing your power from you as it were waste.

The difference is that of ‘giving’ and ‘losing’ and is initially difficult to perceive as it is subtle, non-physical flow of energy.

Its importance and potential cannot be overemphasized.

It can be unfolded without internal conflicts only after initiating and maintaining

    circular breathing:

Only if one inhales and exhales in a strictly uninterrupted circular way does it become possible to positively control the balance of internal and external forces.

The actual flow of air becomes practically of secondary importance. After a while the body will adapt to this way of breathing and will not need any intention. Acceleration of the breathing rate is done by intention to accelerate the circular speed and not the rate itself. This is an important difference because during ‘normal’ voluntary control a conflict between voluntary and involuntary muscle actions arise and out of that a host of problems come about.

We can glimpse a hint of the power of exhaling versus exhausting when we look at the psychological and physiological  effects enforced circular breathing in Leonard Orr’s Rebirthing, Stanislav Groff’s Holotropic Breathing and the Wim Hof Method. These approaches lead to extraordinary experiences and ‘super-human’ abilities far beyond the reach of common imagination.

The principal reason of why these approaches produce their amazing results is that during circular breathing a part of the person’s pattern already goes into an exhaling mode (instead of exhausting)

  if the outflow of air is being physically resisted:

typically, the person is invited to think of ‘filling an air balloon’ in order to communicate this all-important detail.

For installing the


all we have to add the imagination of an energy sphere following an oval (egg-shaped) pattern that after leaving the mouth travels down the chest and into the solar plexus. There, exhalation turns into  inhalation without a reversal point like during a ‘normal’ breathing cycle. The imagined sphere then travels outside and up the spine and enters the mouth cavity from the back, through the neck and forward out the mouth.

Now the internal and external forces will start naturally and unimpeded to balance themselves out and potentiate the human being as a whole. This we call VORTEX Breathing.





Workshop Series: Get the Power of Systemic Thinking!

For a more academic setting, Max created a 16-part workshop series.

To learn more about it, see the complete slide package here: PowerPoint Presentatioon of the Workshop Series 2007/2017

A Look at the cover page and the summary page:

The “Get the Power of Systemic Thinking!” is a Workshop Series consisting of 16 modules.


Sculpture: Ossayin 21st Century (Sandor, 2007)


Sculpture: Ossayin 21st Century (Sandor, 2007)

Dimensions: 120 x 110 x 60 cm
Material: Inox and scrap metals

An homage to the Orisha of plants, Ossayin.

Hiding out in the woods, even more so than his brother Oxossi, it is the most feared of all Orisha. Today’s Pharmaceutical Industry is his living testimony.

In the Sandorian Grove, we can find him at the side of bow and arrow of Oxossi.

Sculpture: Medusa (Sandor, 2008)


Sculpture: Medusa (Sandor, 2008)

Height: 260 cm, width of top part: 120 cm
Weight: approx. 20kg
Material: Scrap metal, metal post
Installation: metal base. cemented into ground, post with 20 degrees inclination, secured with 2 steel wires

History and Purpose

Dedicated to the Greek Gorgon called Medusa, a female archetype about which a multitude of contradictionary and confusing articles have been written.

Originally a legend from the time of the rule matriarchs, it was said that no man could look at her without turning into stone.

In Wikipedia, the limitation to ‘gazing males’ has been dropped, as well as the information that the Perseus legend was added after the introduction of patriarchism.

The archetypal scriptlet of ‘turning into stone upon looking’ can be found in various different places of human cultures. In the Bible, Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt after looking over her shoulder at the Sodom and Gomorrah. In many cultures, looking over one’s shoulder is considered bringing bad luck.

In Ifá tradition, these scriptlets are part of Odù Ifá Odi-Osa and the name Me-du-sa reflects this concept in its ‘energetic semantics’.

This sculpture, in its current location in the Sandorian Grove, has been located in front of Sandor’s mosaic representation of the maze from the myth of the Minotaur on the island Crete.

Defining the Matrix

There are a number of different usages of the word Matrix around. For our purposes, let’s have a fresh look.

Simple Definition of matrix:

: something (such as a situation or a set of conditions) in which something else develops or forms
: something shaped like a pattern of lines and spaces
: a container that can be filled with a material (such as very hot metal) to give the material a new shape
Source: Merriam-Webster’s

The word has come en vogue through the Hollywood trilogy of the Wachowsky brothers. There it describes a fictitious world, called the Matrix, where reality is a computer simulation. This is a concept akin to Digital Physics.

When we look around in literature, we will find a lot of usages of the word ‘Matrix’ as the system which keeps humanity imprisoned in various ways. This then is about mind control but this is not the way we are using it here. The best examples I know of are Jon Rappoport’s Exit from the Matrix, The Matrix Revealed, and Power Outside the Matrix, all linked to on the site No more fake news.

In Polar Dynamics I, we describe the Ifá Matrix of 16 by 16 energies that is creating a total of 256 patterns which are called Odu. The image displayed with this article, shows the pattern known as Oshe-tura as an example.

When I first used it this way (well before the Matrix Trilogy), I was more thinking of the usage of the word Matrix in the mathematical sense. But in Ifá, besides being one of the female Orisha, Odu can also mean uterus. Which means, in the end we are using it there both ways. In Quantum Fá, I compare this Matrix of 256 polarities to David Bohm’s concept of the ‘hidden variables’ underneath Quantum Mechanics. In Digital Physics, there are strong arguments for assuming a base matrix of 256.

In short, we are looking simply at the structure of the Universe itself and not at the manipulation of humanity. We arrive at a classification of the basic elements of Life, Universe, and Everything. We may postulate that there are physical equivalents in the Universe if we look at Quantum Mechanics. But if this is so or not, doesn’t matter for the purposes of using it the way we do.

If we look at the original definition of the word Matrix as that substance from which everything originates, we use the word ‘substrate’ for this ‘realm’.

Sure, if we blame our problems as human Beings in this world on charged polarities, or polarizations, we could also use it in the sense of ‘being caught in the Matrix’. Keep in mind, though, that we see the Odu Ifá Matrix as a playground for Beings and not as a prison. That the game has been rigged is not the fault of the engineers that created and uphold this matrix (which we call the Dreamers). It’s like complaining about the cinema equipment if we don’t like the movie that is currently shown.

[Note added July 27th, 2016] above should be added to a revised edition of Polar Dynamics I, below is PD II, nothing for the faint-hearted. Skip it if you are not familiar already with the terms.]

As above, so below, does not hold true for the Matrix parameters, the Universe above ours (Orun) has 36 triads instead of 16 base polarities. Chris’ Magick-Universe-Matrix page) In short, we find different ‘matrices’ above and below ours.

There is yet another matrix we can access in advanced processing. This is a grid, at least 3-dimensional, of points in the space below the space of the physical Universe – the ‘void-space’, called kshetra in Sanskrit. These points contain information clusters from which the Being extrapolates its inner model of the World. Awareness of these data sets as a ‘collection of different items’ breaks the illusion of the Universe, at least temporarily.

Seeing objects or concepts as different items is an ability that ‘ordinary’ humans are unable to do without training. In fact, they may laugh at you for making such a silly proposal. Gotamo Siddharto has pointed that out 2,500 years ago. We need to engage in a practice of it, a practice that some people find uncomfortable initially. Like in Original Buddhism, we take two objects and perceive both at the same time and ‘as different’. This, of course, is the principal way of depolarizing a charged dichotomy, such as an Odu Ifá, but also works for simple extremes on a scale of just one item. Example for the item ‘temperature’: feel ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ at the same time in two different locations of the body. (Warning: this polarity on the body can turn on symptoms of the ‘common cold’. If so, continue, of course, until they turn off again.)

Lastly, it is not enough to simply ‘crash’ the Matrix. We need to learn, through practice, how to reconstruct our Universe vision intelligently after such a reset. The same holds true for our other methods of ‘escaping the Universe’. This is limiting these kind of ‘hacks’. They are still useful to ‘get the picture’, so to speak.

As always, look for yourself!

Note (July 26th,16):
this article is a draft for a chapter in Polar Dynamics II, by Max Sandor (and Ed Dawson, I presume, and perhaps Chris Melchior ??). The discussion on kshetra (Pali: ketta) should be an article on its own. As Ed pointed out elsewhere today, the INSIDE of the INSIDE is essentially the OUTSIDE of the OUTSIDE and not accessible from the senses WITHIN any of the Universes. This depends of course from your where you look. If you remember the slogan of the Sandorian Grove in the past “Where within the Outside of the Inside is without the Inside of the Outside”. This Insight (sic!) was rather an insider joke and referred to kshetra. Access of this realm equates dropping out of all Universe chains but not yet submerging into the substrate (cp. Chris’ Universe page).
Again, of course, this is hopelessly confusing until you choose to look for yourself!